New to FaceBase?
Welcome! Here are some tips for getting to know the FaceBase repository, resources and community.
- View our Frequently Asked Questions.
- Find detailed documentation for users and data contributors on our Documentation Site.
- To stay informed about our events and updates, plus gain access to bulk download/upload and other features, sign up for a FaceBase User account. (You will be asked to choose a method of login for Globus).
- To submit your data for review to be added to the FaceBase repository, read How to Submit Data to FaceBase.
- Learn how to cite FaceBase data for your publications and presentations using our "Share and cite" feature.

If you are a basic scientist...
FaceBase has a strong foundation of developmental data in animal models. In addition to browsing the data using the age stage, anatomy, gene and many other attributes, here are some other useful resources:
- Summary of available data by age stage and anatomical region: Mouse and Zebrafish
- Gene Summaries
- Full list of resources available by organism: Mouse, Human, and Zebrafish.
- EnamelBase: Our new resource on the disease, amelogenesis imperfecta.
- UCSC Genome Browser Tracks for mouse genomes provided by FaceBase:
- Researchers contributing data can also use our new Annotations Editor to create citable annotations of your images that are useful in publications and presentations.
If you are a clinician/researcher...
In addition to our animal models, you may find these other resources particularly useful:
- Learn about our access policies and how to request controlled-access human data .
- 3D Facial Norms: high-quality craniofacial anthropometric normative data based on digital stereophotogrammetry.
- Human Genomics Analysis Interface
- UCSC Genome Browser: NCBI36/hg18 assembly and GRCh37/hg19 assembly
- Full list of resources for human data

If you are a student...
We have many resources that are very useful for learning more about craniofacial structures in multiple species:
- Mouse Anatomy By Age Stage
- Anatomical Navigation: Mouse and Zebrafish
- Mouse Skull Flythrough video
- EnamelBase: Our new resource on the disease, amelogenesis imperfecta.
- FishFace Atlas: An online, 3D-interactive atlas of craniofacial development in the zebrafish Danio rerio.